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Who You Are and Who You Are Meant to Be.

  • Imagine what could be possible if you went all-in on creating and living the life you know you are meant to live?
  • Imagine what could be possible if you stopped holding back your power and stepped into being the leader you were born to be?
  • Imagine what could be possible if you stopped settling for less in your relationships and in all areas of your life?
  • Imagine what could be possible a year from now if you took your foot off the brakes with your dreams and stopped dimming your light?

The Turn Your Light On 3 Day Immersive Experience is here to support leaders, visionaries, up and coming leaders, and impact-driven entrepreneurs to awaken to the truth of who they are and who they are meant to be in the world. 

Now more than ever people are craving human connection and deeply transformational experiences. This event will give you the opportunity to work through blocks that have been holding you back from reaching new levels in your life and business.

No more hiding behind your computer, it’s time to immerse yourself in community and awaken to who you are meant to be.


This experience is for anyone who feels like they are playing small and are ready to play a bigger game when it comes to their purpose. By attending the Turn Your Light On 3 Day Immersive Experience you will gain clarity of what’s been in the way and activate your power to take massive inspired action in all areas of your life.

Walk Away From Event With: 

  • Radical Clarity 
  • Emotional Freedom
  • Activation Of  Your True Power

From the outside looking in, you look the part, people look at you and think you are the happiest person they know, but deep down you feel like something isn’t quite right like something is missing.

You feel stuck or blocked and your can’t quite put your finger on what is in the way, but you sense that something is in your way of you fully committing and living in your purpose and going ALL IN on what you are capable of.

You’re tired of playing small, settling in relationships, and dimming yourself down.

What is the

Turn Your Light On Experience?

Turn Your Light On is a three-day deep dive experiential event for those who are ready to make shifts and level up and are ready to play full on when it comes to their life and purpose. In this event, you will move through physical, mental, emotional, and energetic barriers that have been holding you back. 


From What Has Been Blocking You From Fully Shining Your Light In the World?

You can continue down the same road you have been on, getting the same results feeling like you’re playing small, and not living the life you deeply know you are here to live, or you can choose to take the path of honoring your soul and saying yes to living in your purpose and showing up powerfully for your life!

Meet Your Guide

Deidre Sirianni is an Activator & Guide to Visionaries, Leaders, and Impact Driven Entrepreneurs who are ready to change the world in a big way, and aren’t willing to compromise when it comes to matters of the heart. She is also a TEDx Speaker, Author, and founder of Radically Aligned Life, a coaching and mentoring academy for those who are committed to actualizing their full potential in all areas of life. She believes that the path to fulfillment and living the life of your dreams comes down to three crucial steps and how deeply you embody them. 

Her work dissolves mental, emotional and physical barriers that are pulling you out of alignment with your higher purpose and from living it fully. Her mission is to wake up as many people as possible to the truth of who they are and who they are meant to be. If you are ready to actualize your full potential, say goodbye to settling and know you are here to create change in the world, then you are in the right place!


What Past Attendees Are Saying:

“Before this event, I had a lot of fear of stepping into my purpose, even though I knew what it was. Deidre has created a really safe space, high energy, positive vibe and it’s brought me to the truth of where I need to be and really be honest with myself. This is something I was struggling with for a long time. I am extremely grateful for this event. If you are on the verge of stepping into your purpose, and what you need to bring into this world, I invite you to attend this event. You won’t regret it!”

~ Tammy Cho

“I’ve never been so energized from being in a room with people, and knowing that I’m on the right path. The event was amazing, not only just to hear my coach Deidre crush it in the crowd and help people break down these walls and barriers but also to meet so many people in a similar mindset as me and watch them go through a massive transformation. Now I have lifelong friends and connections. An event I wasn’t even sure I couldn’t attend- Thank god I decided to go to that event, now I have so much more potential than before. I’m looking forward to the next one!”

~ Justis Cooper

“This event brought me a lot of perspectives, asking myself those tough questions to get the clarity around what is blocking me and where I want to go personally and for my business which is extremely valuable. I would absolutely yes recommend this event to others. I have the great pleasure of working with Deidre on a regular basis and it’s completely changed my life! I am so grateful to be in this event with so many other people who have had such an amazing transformation within just the first day! I’ve been able to integrate this work into my life and I don’t want to live in any other way! If anyone is nervous or scared to open up no matter where they are in their life, definitely seek out Deidre to become the best version of who you are meant to be!”

~ Talia Garner

“This weekend was a huge uncovering of learning about stripping away the goop of what I didn’t need anymore. The people who came to this event were the best people. Deidre is a really special soul, she has a really vibrant energy, she’s definitely the light in the room and has this ability to cut through all the bullshit and she goes direct. She’s there to hold your hand through that process and to open you up to the real possibility and the energy she brings is infectious. It’s really quite a gift, she has the ability to lighten the room.”

~ Leah Emmott

“The most powerful part of the event is the energy, everyone playing together is so powerful beyond anything. This event is for anyone who feels there's something more in life, and they want to dissolve a barrier that’s there, and this is a direct path to figuring out what that is and crushing through it. Deidre is very playful, but very direct and to the point and cuts to the point, and you can get results very fast. People should come to this event if they want to take action and connect with like-minded people. This conversation is so underhand in life that when you find a place to have the conversation you find exactly what you are looking for."

~ Bradly Samuels

“I attended Deidre Sirianni's Turn Your Light On Event in October in 2019, and it propelled me to take massive action in my business. After taking her intensive I discovered new levels of success in both my creativity with marketing and motivated me to improve systems in my business. After 20 years in practice as a Chiropractor, I experienced my best 3 months ever with an increase of an average of 85% in monthly revenue over that period of time. I attribute this to Deidre's process of coaching, and what I experienced at her event. I've also become more clear on my purpose! Deidre's coaching, seminars, and programs are a must if you have personal and professional goals in life you are ready to accomplish.”

~ Michael Horowitz