Does this sound familiar?
  • You have a voice inside of you that is telling you you’re playing small.
  • You reach milestones in your life and ask yourself, “Is this all there is?"
  • You have a message inside of you that is dying to come out and serve the planet, but you likely feel like something is in the way and you can’t quite put your finger on it?

This is why I've created the Turn Your Light On 8 Week Integrative Program to help you overcome self sabotaging habits, limiting beliefs, and playing small so that you can fully step into who you are meant to be in the world and with your gifts. 


You weren't born to hide, dim your light, or play small. 

This Program is for You If...

  • You know on a deep level that you are here to make an impact in the world. And, you know it's time to show up, level up and build the capacity to fulfill your purpose.

  • You want the accelerated path to achieving and feeling the way you want to feel.   

  • You are done playing small and are ready to show up powerfully for yourself and your gifts.

The Program You Wish You Had 10 Years Ago
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What If You Could

  • Transform your core wounds into your greatest strengths and power for humanity?
  • Release self-sabotaging habits that have been holding you back so that you can show up with confidence and personal power?
  • Wake up everyday knowing you are living the life you were born to live because you said yes to your soul’s work?
  • Remove barriers that have been blocking you from being the leader you were born to be?


The Value Is Undeniable.
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This is the Sign You've Been Waiting For!

Hi! My name is Deidre Sirianni and for many years in my life I struggled with anxiety, overwhelm,  playing small and experienced depression to the point of wanting to end my life. 

From the outside looking in it looked like I had it all together, people thought I was the happiest person they knew, I had a beautiful home, was married, and had a lot of external validation through my career but I didn’t feel like the life I was living was IT. 

I felt like I was playing small, and that I was living a lie but didn’t know how to change my reality.

You’re most likely reading this right now because you feel like you are settling, playing small, and know on a deep level that you are made for so much more. I want you to know you are not alone, I’ve been there and when I was able to overcome these challenges, my entire world changed, I was able to heal myself and opportunities opened up for me.

When You Jump In, You Will Receive
  • 8 In-depth video trainings where Deidre Sirianni guides you through the course’s proven process module by module, so that you feel supported every step of the way.
  • 8 Worksheets to support you in doing the homework and staying on track with your progress with ease
  • Check-in video prompts where our team will track your personal progress and interact with you as you move through the training in real time.
  • Cord Cutting Meditation so that you can release the chords and attachments from people and your past that are causing you to leak energy and feel other people’s emotions.
  • Lifetime access to the program so that you can move at your own pace and revisit the course anytime you need it.

LIMITED TIME BONUS:  50 Minute 1:1 Coaching Session with Deidre to help you alchemize and align to your highest timeline.  $1,250  Value