Deidre Sirianni

Accelerated Evolution Guide

Not living in my gifts nearly killed me.

The truth is, your soul will continue to speak and create physical, mental and emotional challenges for you, until you LISTEN to what it is asking you to step into: YOUR TRUTH.

After living a life that never felt like my own for almost three decades, swallowing my truth, ignoring my soul's purpose and not living the life I deeply knew I was meant to be living, I know how difficult it can be to reach out for guidance.  I understand the pain and discomfort of not living life to the deep level your soul has been asking you to step into. I'm here to share with you, it doesn't have to be so hard and it can be easy with the right support and guidance. Whether you're here for an upgrade in your current reality to experience more bliss or here to unravel your soul's purpose and own it fully, you're in the right place. I don't believe in coincidences and I can't wait to meet you.

Not living my truth nearly killed me. I manifested disease in my body in the form of psoriasis, anxiety attacks, stomach pain, depression, and auto-immune disease.

My body was speaking to me but I was stubborn. I didn't listen and I continued to quiet the voice inside of me that was asking "Is this it?" despite the goals I had achieved. I kept distracting myself with more work and other distractions until I hit my rock bottom moment.

Until, I listened to my intuition say loud and clear "If you don't change your life, you’re going to get cancer and die in the next year." This inner message, along with losing a chunk of hair was my wake up call.

I knew I couldn't hide the truth anymore: I wasn't happy, even though from the outside looking in, people thought I was the happiest person they knew. This is when the deep work began for me.

I went inwards and began listening to what I had been deeply ignoring. I went to conferences, enrolled in courses, met new people and despite having some massive insights and growth, I still felt like something was missing.

I felt like many of the programs, books, and conferences I had attended had a structure of how "people need to be" in order for them to heal and this made me feel boxed in to something that wasn't quite it.

I began working and studying Universal Laws, Metaphysics, studying with Shamans and learning from the best people in the world through mentorship and guidance and this is when everything clicked on a deep level.

This work, is the work I am here to do.

I am not here to tell people how to be or who to be but I am here to guide them through unravelling and releasing what is not theirs so that they can naturally relearn who they really are.

I’ve learned that in order to live your truth, first you have to remove and let go of all of the false imprints, traumas, and attachments that are not your truth.

That you must learn how to trust your intuition, reset your internal system to work for you rather than against you and have the right support to reach your next level of evolution through higher guidance and not from the intellectual mind.

This is now what I support others in doing.

I support others in waking up to the truth of who they are by removing any falsities, traumas, past imprints and awakening them to the truest essence of who they are and who they are meant to be.


Watch Deidre's TEDX Talk:

"Unhealed Trauma - The Root Cause Of All Suffering"

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"Her work is the most important work in the world right now. I can see her on the biggest stages around the world touring with Oprah."

- Shine Kelly


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"I've worked with a lot of coaches and the difference with working with Deidre is that her work is very deep and profound, clear and gets results in a very short amount of time."

- April Bellia

"There's not many coaches out there that can hit the personal, transformational, behavioural, spiritual and also hit the business strategy side of things seamlessly."

- Ella Mea 

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